A little advice for those signing a national letter of intent. If you decide to matriculate to DUI School, make sure you get a full ride.
Andrew Healan
New Orleans comedian and host of the podcast That Sounds Reasonable
My Nephew Rocks
Hanging with Cole
Notes From The Network Suits
Pilot season is upon us. Los Angeles is even more full of dreams than usual. Many people will sell their souls and/or bodies for a chance at success. To help my fellow Hollywood hopefuls through these trying times I would like to pass on some knowledge dispensed to me by my friend Dane Faucheux.
“My only advice is to start blowing people. You’ll be hardpressed to find someone who can’t use a good quality blow job. And after blowing a few people refocus on getting in the business. You’ll be a lot more relaxed now that you’ve gotten over your fear of blowing people. If you get frustrated with comedy again, face another fear, like skydiving, or maybe your fear of blowing a guy while skydiving. I don’t know. Goodluck.”
Don’t Need A Gulfstream To Travel In The High Life
Champaign wishes and Greyhound dreams
The Weather Outside Is Frightful
In a few hours we will know if an early spring is upon us. I really hope that gerbil doesn’t see its shadow when it crawls out of Andy Dick’s ass.
If You Put Your Ear Next To It, You Can Hear The Ocean
Surfers get lonely too
McGwire’s Silver Hammer
A get well wish to Babraro. More importantly a thank you to Barbaro. Were it not for your bum leg, I may have never learned about the condition of laminitis. I look forward to misusing this term for fun and ridicule.
And speaking of horrific leg injuries, HHH is on the shelf again. So kids, stay away from the Stacker 2, apparently it weakens quadricep muscles. I’ll be curious to see if he uses this break to put on another 40 pounds of muscle mass.
And speaking of mysterious ways to bulk up, Barry Bonds failed a drug test last year. Much to the chagrin of self righteous sports journalists, it was not due to performance enhancing drugs. No it was from amphetamines. This is the first step by Bonds to push Giants management for a trade to the 1986 Mets (or the 1988 Flyers). This positive test was of course not the fault of the man with the colossal cranium. Seems he took a little something out of teammate Mark Sweeney’s locker. Taking something from a friend and not knowing what it is or what it will do to you is not a recipe for becoming more muscular, it’s a recipe for date rape. Then Bonds came out and denied making that accusation saying that Sweeney was both his “teammate and friend.” The sports world called bullshit. Not because they believed Bonds urine may have been clean, but because they didn’t believe he had a friend.
And speaking of baseball players who may have gained an advantage from pharmaceuticals, Mark McGwire was denied entry into the Hall Of Fame. This was because of his relationship with Jose Canseco (I am referring to his alleged steroid use, not that atrocious Bash Brothers poster). The assumption that McGwire used steroids is based totally on circumstantial evidence. Sure, he bulked up significantly during his career. But is that is the burden of proof, let’s look at the men who are to be enshrined in Cooperstown this year. Cal Ripken Jr started going bald at a young age. Hair loss is a common side effect of steroid use. Tony Gwynn has a very high pitched voice. Shrunken testicles is a common side effect of steroid use. But I must give credit to the Baseball Writers of America for not voting in Shawne Merriman. And one final note to the omnipotent baseball writers, bitch tits are a common side effect of buffet tables.
Mathmatical Wish: 504 – 187
Step 4: Dial 911
Braselton, GA — I spent some quality time this morning watching Fox & Friends. It blew my mind that a group of people who’s job is to report and comment on the news of the day seemed to be surprised by every item that was covered. How is Tiki Barber (who I assume had spent the bulk of the past week studying the Redskins defense) more informed than people who are technically journalists? I suppose this light hearted manner is used on most morning news-type shows. It’s just that I don’t watch many morning news-type shows, so this was a bit more glaring to me.
During a segment on American Dolls, my attention wandered to the ticker. There was a report of a young man from Pakistan who died trying to duplicate a video he saw of Saddam Hussien’s hanging. The dangers of Youtube strike again.
In a related story, during the recent holiday season thousands of men were admitted to the emergeny room to treat deep and painful paper cuts. These wounds were suffered while trying to stick their penises through a hole cut into the bottom of a cardboard box.
No Jacket Required
Now that’s a winter