One of the more interesting aspects of my job is the large number of non-Americans I work with. They travel from all around the globe to earn a living here in the Big Easy. It’s like a UN meeting — Russia, Brazil, Mexico, UK, Australia, France, Vietnam, Puerto Rico and Hungary, just to name a few. I always find it interesting to get there perspective on foreign and domestic issues. There was an overwhelming nervousness from them in the past few days. As one of my European co-workers put it “Today you get to decide who rules the world.” This is a view-point that most of us never consider. Even more amazing was the all most universal opinion of this group that a Bush win is good for America but a Kerry win is good for the world. One of them actually said “If I was an American, I would vote for Bush, but as a Brit, I really want Kerry to win.” It’s past midnight, and CNN now seems to REALLY want to give the election to Bush, but figures they’re gonna be blasted by the Daily Show enough as it is. So they wait. Looks like we’ll have no prolonged battle for Ohio, which is good. I didn’t want Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young to have to write another song.
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