Andrew Healan

New Orleans comedian and host of the podcast That Sounds Reasonable

You Put 62 Gallons In An Ounce

February 26th, 2003

OK, a free drink to anyone that gets the reference in the headline to this post. While I’m giving out prizes, a handsome gratuity to the first delivery person who can find my apartment without calling for additional directions. Why can people get all gung ho for “Gods And Generals” (btw, Jeff Daniels was born in Athens) and not realize the badness that comes from people within a country fighting over control of land. Just thought that maybe should be a consideration in U.S. foreign policy (turning one stable country into three fucked up ones?). If you’re gonna do it, do it right! Physique contouring gel is my new favorite hair gel. Good hold, no crunchiness. Bless stores going out of business. I got a Marky Mark CD (from Wherehouse Music) for $1.80, and you can just walk into the K-Mart on Broad St and buy a basket full of siringes without even the remotest hint of a question. Can’t wait to go to the Macy’s in ATL this weekend. I have realized that the people at yahoo think i need a mortgage deal, a penis enlargement and impressionest paintings, but the offer for a breast enlargement seemed to be a bit too far out of my demographic. What has two thumbs and needs some sleep? THIS GUY!



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Andrew Healan

New Orleans comedian and host of the podcast That Sounds Reasonable