Andrew Healan

New Orleans comedian and host of the podcast That Sounds Reasonable

So Messed Up

August 29th, 2003

We all knew it was coming, September 11, 2003. There hasn’t been as big of a hub-bub about the anniversary as there was last year, but it was in the back of everyone’s mind. With the release of the Port Authority tapes today, it all becomes real again. While The Bush Part II: The Son Strikes Back administration has dubbed 09/11 “Patriot’s (or is Patriots’?) Day,” I still think this date should become some type of cival servant appeciation day. Although I have rolled my eyes and bit my tounge at all the FDNY and NYPD officers who were hours (city traffic) away from the site but still chose to reap in the adulation of their fallen comrades. I agree with decission to release the tapes, as well as the decission to do it in transcribed form. There is too much of a public need to know (even though we’ll never get the real truth) to not give out some of the 411 on what went down. I don’t think the release made the day any worse, just confirmed what rational people had known all along, that some people tragically died.



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Andrew Healan

New Orleans comedian and host of the podcast That Sounds Reasonable