Andrew Healan

New Orleans comedian and host of the podcast That Sounds Reasonable

Yeah, it was sweet

January 3rd, 2003

Dude, Georgia won the Sugar Bowl! I must’ve said that 100 times the past couple of days. I just like to remind myself. Here’s some highlights from my journey to the Cresent City.

*Leaving Athens after work, and seeing a guy stading on GA 316 in Statham at 4:38 AM EST on December 31st holding a big three foot Super G with his thumb out. Not sure if that’s inspring or depressing, but it is note worthy.

*Stopping for gas just south of Montgomery and asking the guy behind the counter what kind of weather I was driving into, to have him reply “You’re going right into it. The bad stuff starts about mile marker 93 right down by the county line.” Sure enough, a few minutes later the a gully washer hit, at that time I looked to my right and saw the 93 mile marker, a couple of miles later I hit the county line.

*My hotel was ~SWANK!~ I highly reccomend Le Pavillon for any of your NOLA visits.

*Got two parking tickets for a total of $30, better than the $60 or so it would have cost me to put my car in the hotel lot.

*Georgia fans do wear some cheesy hats.

*Cell Phones are really cool, I like mine.

*Deciding how close we were gonna get to the gate before buying tickets. Finally picking them up for $20 each. Then few yards later overhearing this exchange between “ticket agents:” “Bad day.” “I’m gettin’ killed.”

*Listening to my friend Norm discuss with the guy sitting behind us the wear and tear on their hats. Just one of those cool guy moments.

*Running into a group of FSU fans who were literely begging us to talk smack. It was like they wanted to defend their program by bringing up the histroy of the past 15 years and reveling in it. Weird moment.

*Having a “clean out the pockets morning.” You know the ones where you start pulling receipts out and thinking to yourself “Wow! I don’t remember our tab being that high there.” or “Why in the blue hell did we go to the Hustler Club?” or “Hmmmm? I ate pancakes?”

*Acctually hearing someone order a “beday.” Classic comedy moment.

*The nice people at Harrah’s almost paying for my hotel and only requiring me to put in about an hour’s work.

*Most of all (well, with the possible exception of the UGA winning the Sugar Bowl thing) getting to see old friends from near and far who I don’t get to spend enough time with these days. To all my buddies I ran into and hung out with, thanks for making my trip extra sweet. And yeah, I reflected on what a good time my father would’ve had and how much he would’ve loved this trip. Couldn’t stop thinking about him.

So thank you Bulldogs!



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Andrew Healan

New Orleans comedian and host of the podcast That Sounds Reasonable