Andrew Healan

New Orleans comedian and host of the podcast That Sounds Reasonable

Hating On The Charm

April 19th, 2004

One of the more endearing qualities of my current home city is supposed to be the laid-back attitude of the residents. Everyone and everything moves at a leisurely pace. While that may be cool to soak in for a few days as a visitor, on a daily basis it causes an me to supress an abundance of rage. These people have no clue about how to efficiently utalize public transportation. Granted, a large chunk of people on the trolly are tourists, but isn’t it possible these people have lived in, or traveld to, big citries before? It’s not enough that the damn historic landmark moves as such, but so do the poeple getting on and off. Simple socially acceptable rules such as enter and exit on your right side, or enter at the front exit at the rear, or move towards the back so that everyone can board, are completely foreign to these folks. As are such universal truths as exact fucking fair. I get to suffer my daily anger in about a half hour, and I’m already brething deep and preparing to have to snap at someone “the door won’t open if you don’t push it.”



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Andrew Healan

New Orleans comedian and host of the podcast That Sounds Reasonable