Andrew Healan

New Orleans comedian and host of the podcast That Sounds Reasonable

Another Day Another City

September 5th, 2005

SHREVEPORT, LA — This site will be temporarily publishing from northwestern Louisiana. This should not effect your reading enjoyment. Everyone here has been wonderful and kind. They have opened their hearts, homes and places of employment to me. I haven’t had the opportunity to see much of the city yet. I’m probobly gonna end up with roomates for the first time this century. Interesting times on the horizons. Everyday my safe and sound count rises. Some people I still haven’t heard from. My list of great concern is down to one. Thanks to all my friends around the world that have sent their well wishes and offered to help. I am the luckiest motherfucker in the world. I have been provided with a job and a place to live. Do what ever you can to assist those affected by hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. To those of you that already have donated money, supplies or your time… THANK YOU! From the bottom of my heart thank you. And realize you probobly have evacuees in your community. I guarantee there is something you can do for somebody right there in your back yard. Gonna work on getting some happy stories up soon.



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Andrew Healan

New Orleans comedian and host of the podcast That Sounds Reasonable