Andrew Healan

New Orleans comedian and host of the podcast That Sounds Reasonable

Fear Half A World Apart

July 7th, 2005

In my head I had written this whole blog that mocked London winning their bid to host the Olympics in 2012. It made fun of NYC, Paris, Madrid and Moscow. It drew comparisons to my own experience with Atlanta being awarded the Centenial Games in 1990 and how our expectations did not equal up to reality.
I also had in my head a whole blog bitching about having to deal with two potential hurricanes in a single week. But at least I know the hurricanes are coming. No surprises there. I don’t need Bob Geldf putting on a bunch of crappy shows to raise my awareness of these storms, I’ve got The Weather Channel.
Then On My way home I heard what happend in the United Kingdom.
I am fortunate to currently not have any friends living in, or traveling to, London. This greatly reduces my fears and concerns. This is selfish, but my thoughts, hopes and wishes still go out to those across the pond.
Events like what happened in London today make me reflect on my own life and safety. I live in the second busiest port in the world. The warfs are less than a block form my home. I work in one of the top tourist destinations in the world.
So, here I sit, typing at my computer. While I live and work in a place that is ripe for terrorism and has a (currently category 2) hurricane bearing down on it. I once again feel selfish, but I have to change the channel. I want to know what is happening in London, but I need to focuse on Dennis. Not a fun weekend on the horizon.



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Andrew Healan

New Orleans comedian and host of the podcast That Sounds Reasonable